Hey everyone and welcome today we will be talking about season 2 of the show Blood of Zeus. Fun Fact, The show was originally going to be titled Gods and Heroes. This season came out in 2024 and stars Derek Phillips, Elias Toufexis, and Jessica Henwick, and was created by Charley and Vlas Parlapanides. So without further ado let’s get right into it.

Blood of Zeus season 2 picks up right after the death of Zeus and everyone is vying for the throne. The show puts a lot of focus on the relationship of Hades and Persephone this season who want to get out of their own predicament which forces Persephone to split her time with Hades and her mother Demeter. Gaia keeps the Eleusinian stone safe so that whoever passes the trials set by her and Zeus will be granted the stone which enhances their powers and makes them ruler of Olympus.

Blood of Zeus is an action-adventure animated show. It has similar vibes to Castlevania,  Avatar: The Last Airbender, or Hercules.

I love seeing media about Greek gods and honestly, it can be a hit or miss, and thank god this show was a hit. They’re able to not only tell this story of a demigod who is promised to be great but also use cool animation to show a variety of gods and their different abilities. While we are introduced to a lot of gods in Season 1, some take bigger roles in Season 2 like Hades, Persephone, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, and Hestia to name a few. This show introduces you to some of the popular gods but then also introduces you to some you may not be so familiar with.

This season opens up with the events from the end of season one shown from a different perspective while the final battle is going on in which we see that Hestia is trying to get the Eleusinian Stone to Gaia. It was cool to see what else was going on during this big battle and to see how Hades might not have been physically there, but he’s been plotting all along.

Heron is the Protagonist and in this season we see him coming to grips with the fact that both his parents are dead, his family hates him but he also kinda hates them too, and he has the same powers as his father. If all this wasn’t enough Gaia sends him on a mission that not only has him trying to make amends with his half-brother who killed his mom and is a big reason his dad is dead and also potentially become the next ruler of Olympus. Time and time again he shows that he is different than the gods, he comes from humble beginnings and his outlook on everything is different but he also doesn’t have anything to lose. Gaia has faith in him as a means to help the gods forge a better path and he proves her right by learning to forgive and attempt to stop the cycle of violence and revenge. I could tell he would be a good hero because he doesn’t actually want to, he wants to protect the people he loves and learn more about his family. I was sad he died in the end but I just know this can’t be the end of his story.

Alexia, who is an Amazonian, accompanies Heron and while she might not have godly strength, she is really skilled in fighting and has a lot of wisdom. I love how she is that voice to ask heron are you sure this is the best option because although he is powerful, he is not invincible and there are many better fighters than him. I love how she holds her own in battle and does what needs to be done to ensure the mission is a success.

On the other end is Seraphim who in season one is the big bad and in this season we get a lot of backstory of him and why he became so hateful. In season one we get some of it but in this season there was more to explore and we learned he was in love with someone who got killed which only grew his hate but is also what Hades uses to manipulate him into helping him. In this season he goes through a crisis because he is starting to not hate Heron as much but then he has Hades whispering in his ear with promises to make his past lover have a better afterlife experience. Whether good or bad, he is a formidable foe and definitely someone you want on your side because this man knows how to fight and fights to kill. In the end, it seems like he and Heron can be allies but I think it also depends on if he will stay in the underworld or not. I think creating a compelling villain is just as important as a compelling hero and I think this show did a great job doing both and giving time to explore both their stories.

Hera takes a back seat this season as she should and we see how she feels regret for her role in her husband’s death. One thing that’s always crazy to me is that Zeus is the one being a hoe and every time I read about Hera, she is trying to punish his bastards, and I’m like girl it is not their fault, talk to your husband. In this season she tries to take ownership of her role in the mess that’s been created and to stop a war between the gods but she can’t even stop her annoying son Ares, let alone Hades or anyone else.

We see more of Hades this season and I enjoyed seeing how he and Persephone started their doomed relationship. As much as I hate Hades this season, he did get a shitty end of the deal 2 times, first by his brothers and second by Demeter. He is bound to the underworld and can only leave for short periods and his wife splits her time half with him and half with her mother due to her mother not liking the marriage. I know we can sit here and blame him for the events at the end of the season but Demeter, Hera, and Zeus are also partly to blame for how his life has been post-defeating Kronos. I loved him protecting Persephone from Ares and proving that he would do anything for her.

This show does a great job of showing how the gods really only think of themselves and just have stupid squabbles amongst each other. There is just so much jealousy and jumping to conclusions and I’m like do y’all ever get tired, don’t y’all just want to relax a bit?

I think my favorite part of this season was the Primordial Goddess Gaia. She is the mother of the Titans and in this season she is trying to make the Gods better by learning forgiveness and also following a plan to find the next leader of Olympus. Throughout the season she seems like the voice of reason but she doesn’t intervene too much however she does guide Heron and gives him some hints on what he needs to do. I loved that at the end we see her in the shadows smiling at Heron’s speech and then we see Hades stab him and she loses it. She is basically like I’m so sick and tired of y’all and it’s not even just y’all this started with Zeus and to be honest the world would be better without all the Olympians and calls on Typhon. Typhon was a name they were saying they didn’t want to say all season so I just know it’s bad if you can’t speak his name and for as cocky as these gods were, they were running away. I’m interested to see what ends up happening in the future with her and if she will change her mind and help the Olympians.

Blood of Zeus delivers a strong season 2 that takes us on another adventure and has me curious to see how it will all play out. It expanded on this universe without making the viewer feel overwhelmed and had me asking why haven’t we gotten more things about Greek heroes as good as this one. I really hope we get season 3 because with that cliffhanger I need to know what’s next.


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