One Peice

Hey everyone and welcome, today we will be talking about season 1 of the show One Piece. Fun Fact, One Piece is based off a Japanese Manga that came out in 1997 and has been adapted into an anime that has over 1,000 episodes. This show came out in 2023 and stars Inaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu and was developed by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda. So without further ado let’s get right into it.

One Piece follows Monkey D. Luffy who longs to find the one piece and become the Pirate King. Luffy builds up his team that he calls the straw hat pirates and along the way starts to make some friends as well as villains.

One Piece is an adventure show filled with lots of fantasy. It has similar vibes to Avatar: The Last Airbender, One Piece, or Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

I have never seen the One Piece anime because there are just so many episodes and I’ll never catch up but with this adaption I thought I would give it a try since it was telling the story from the beginning. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it considering I went in pretty much blind. It kinda reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender in the sense that there is a main goal that will not be solved in one season but there’s side missions on the way and the main character is kinda goofy but will have to become serious to complete the mission.

Inaki Godoy was great as Luffy and I enjoyed being introduced to the character by him. At first I thought Luffy would be super serious but I loved that he was this character that encouraged people to chase their dreams, no how crazy they were and really just made people feel welcomed. He tied the team together and really was the heart of not only his team but the show. Inaki did a great hob of making the character likable and one that you would be rooting for.

Luffy ate the Devil fruit which gave him special abilities and we come to find out that he’s not the only one who ate this. I would love to know more about why certain people get certain powers and where does this fruit come from. I also would like to know if some other characters ate the fruit like Arlong  or his grandfather or are they just that strong.

Zoro was one of my favorite characters in the show. Mckenyu did a good job portraying him as this mysterious character who was great at sword fighting but still not the best. When there was a fight I knew that the odds would change the moment he took out his swords and if the third sword came out, you were in trouble. Im interested to see him get better with swords and see what happens in the next season and see if people in his past show up.

The villains were pretty unique in this show. Most of them are pirates and prove there is a reason why they are wanted and have evaded capture for so long and truly test the team. Im glad that they didn’t kill off all the villains and instead showed that some will be returning but also hinted that some new ones would be making an appearance.

It was cool to see the crew slowly being built throughout the season and seeing how they all had unique skills that could be useful. Luffy obviously was the glue that kept them together but was also super strong and elastic, Zoro was the first mate who I felt was pretty logical and someone you want on your side in a fight, Nami was a great navigator and great at stealth and stealing, Usopp was a great marksman and had lots of stories to keep people entertained, and Sanji was a fantastic chef who was great with martial arts. I loved how these people were very reluctant to join the crew but slowly started to feel like they belonged and in the end of the season we saw that they worked so well together and was acting more like a family.

The show did such a good job of slowly including the characters back stories to help explain their actions throughout the show. It’s important to explore the characters backstories but it doesn’t always need to be done immediately and this show found the perfect place to do that. We learn why Luffy has an attachment to the straw hat, why Zorro wants to be the best swordsman, why Nami is hesitant to make friends, why Usopp intends to be brave, and why Sanji wants to find the all blue.

This season took us to many places and did a good job of world building. It was cool to see them going all over to different places and how they differed and how they would benefit from visiting the place like maybe they got a new crew member or maybe they got a new boat.

My favorite part of the show was the crew realizing they need each other when they are trying to get the map of the gold line back from Arlong. They all utilized their skills and to not only figure out what Arlongs weakness is but how to take down his whole crew. I loved the growth of the straw hat pirates from the beginning who clearly hated the idea of working together to the characters at the end of the season realizing they need each other.

One Piece was a fun show that has a quirkiness to it and is a lot of fun. There is so much to explore and so many more questions to answer.


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